Apple Pie Crescent Rolls

The following is a guest post from Jessica. Her foodie blog is amazing. [Warning: if you read it when you’re hungry, you might cry.] Read this recipe, then make these mouth-watering apple pie crescent rolls that somehow count as breakfast and/or dessert, then go swoon over her beautiful food pictures on …

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Gaining Momentum in Debt Payoff

Our first month of intense debt pay off was January, 2015. It took us a few months after Ben was employed to play catch up – pay my parents back for a beater car we bought with borrowed money, get a mini $1000 emergency fund saved, etc… We sat down at a Starbucks, …

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Have you ever heard of the term "sinking fund" ? Sinking funds can be life-changing for your budget. And in a good way. Here's what a sinking fund is and how to use it to your advantage!

Budgeting 101 #4: What the heck is a Sinking Fund?

Understanding sinking funds is essential to accurate budgeting (unless your income is such that you choose to cash flow big ticket items). A sinking fund is a category in your budget that adds up from month to month and only occasionally gets spent out of. Sinking Fund Example #1: Car Insurance Most …

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when you go over budget

Budgeting 101 #3: What to Do When You Go Over Budget

So far in this Budgeting 101 Series, we’ve learned how to start a budget and how to track spending. You’ve made your budget, tracked your spending and the inevitable has happened you went over budget in a category or 2. Or all of them. And you feel like this. Lots …

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